Generations Community Care
119 Hogan Street, Tatura, Vic, 3616
Op Shop
Established in 2002 and situated at 119 Hogan Street Tatura, our Op Shop has become an icon in Tatura and the surrounding areas due to the quality and range of items for sale. You will always find a bargain and a smile from our friendly staff and volunteers! With amazingly generous support from the Tatura community over many years, our sales have enabled us to make many donations to community organisations such as the Tatura Hospital, Tatura SES, Moyola Lodge and Tatura Fire Brigade. Thank you to everyone who supports us with donated items and by purchasing goods from our shop.
Volunteer opportunities are available, click below or contact Jacqui Hall on 0493 074 805 for more information.
119 Hogan Street, Tatura, Vic, 3616
Ph: 03 5824 3059
Pickup Request Form
Food Bank
Almost since the inception of our Op Shop, we have also provided help to our community in the form of food hampers. We understand that it is sometimes difficult or embarrassing to ask for help, but if you or anyone you know needs help with food, we encourage you to call into the Op Shop between 10am and 4pm weekdays, or to contact Jacqui on 0493 238 698. Your confidentiality is assured, and it would be our honour to assist you.
119 Hogan Street, Tatura, Vic, 3616
Ph: 0493 074 805
Would you like to help by supporting our Food Bank?
There are two main ways you can give support:
You can donate non-perishable grocery items, (please note they must be unopened and within use-by date), cleaning products, toiletries, tissues, toilet paper, etc
You can give money to purchase perishable food items.
BSB 083-733
Account 98 266 0875
Description: Generations Food Bank
“Helping those in need”
Many hands make light work
Thank you to these local businesses who support our community by donating to our Food Bank
Do you need to talk to a chaplain?
Call 1800Chaplain for free and confidential support.